Okay. Let me road map the way this has gone down.
While the upstairs was in serious destruction, our bedroom was in our (supposed to be) Living room.
And therefore, our living room went in our (supposed to be) Dining room.
Now that our upstairs is cleaned, sprayfoamed, and ready for walls, we've moved our bedroom upstairs for a little motivation to get things done.
Sooo... Here is our Living room Before we even touched it.
We took off all of the wallpaper/flooring (thanks to a full day and a big family! )
Had the plaster repaired, and started putting down the flooring,
It was really starting to look like we were ready to move in .
I know. its the crappiest picture ever, but I never thought to take a picture of it as a bedroom :)
Sooooooo after a lonnggggggg year, the upstairs eventually got the sprayfoam we've always dreamed of, and the demo was completely cleaned up. (I'll eventually show you the hilarity that is our bedroom)
And here is our formal living room. Its an inherited couch that I'm kind of in love with. But we've decided to keep it in the basement for my eventual dreams of reupholstering it. (I know. it'll never happen, but It's justified :) Anyhoo. The furniture is also just temporary, as we are building a new set. (I'll get to that too.)